Saturday, March 12, 2011

I woke up this morning feelin' fine...

You expect me to complete the rest of the song, don't you? Alas...I cannot. Because by 11 a.m. I was throwing up and feeling like absolute crap. I called my OB on her cell (I feel like a VIP, but really she gave me her cell number in case I ever actually went into PTL). She told me to keep hydrated and watch for any braxton hicks, but that I probably just had a stomach bug that needed to run its course. So I moved my tush to the comfort (or not so comfortable) stone floor of my bathroom and set up a pillow next to the toilet. Hot damn, I needed that pillow more for my knees than I did my head because I was literally hugging that toilet for dear life.

Hey, SB...this is the part of the post that's dedicated to you! Remember when I thought I was having BH's and they were just poo cramps??? Gosh, I'm so funny. I promise I'll dedicate an entire post to your loveliness tomorrow, when I'm hopefully feeling better.

Anyways, now that I am all consumed of thinking of the beautiful SB and her insane sexiness, let me compose myself.


Okay, I'm better. ;o)

David felt horrible for me and brought me a pedialyte popsicle that the girls eat after I had been throwing up on and off for an hour. I was pleasantly surprised by the grape taste. I expected it to taste more cough-syrup like, but it really tasted like a popsicle. Mom friends, if you haven't tried one, you should. I crossed that endeavor off my bucket list.

He then informed me that I looked like death (aww, thanks sweetie...*cough*jackass) and that he'd be taking the girls to his mom's so they didn't catch any of my disgusting retching germs. He carried me over the threshold of our bathroom door and placed me ever so delicately (more like a plop) in our bed. He covered me up, gave me two extra pillows to make a total of eight and handed me the remote and a puke bucket. I thought I was all set, but he came back into the room with a jumbo sized tub of lysol wipes, and enough apple juice and water to choke a horse.

My man loves me, he really does. :oP

I was instructed to wipe down all of the hard surfaces around me whenever I threw up. I accepted my task and laid back onto my fluffy pillow nest and fell asleep...for 5 hours.

Yep, I took a wonderful 5 hour nap in the middle of the fricken day, people! It was heavenly. There were no little feet running, no incessant "MOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!", no crying...nothing, just quiet. When I woke up I thought it was the next day and that I had slept for a crazy amount of time, but was surprised when I looked at the clock and it was 5 p.m. I picked up the phone and called David. He informed me that the girls were going to stay at "Gamma Deebee's" (really, she's Grandma Debbie) tonight because they were having a lot of fun with Grandma and Grandpa. I spoke to Libby and she told me matter of fact like that "Me and Lulu will not come home. You are sick, momma, and we need to stay here so we don't frow up." I had to laugh. She hates "frowing up".

David told me he'd be home by 8, so I'm currently catching up with the forums and watching Wipe Out (is that not the stupidest show ever?? Who'd sign up for such a thing...)
I think I might ask for another pedialyte popsicle when David gets home, you know..since the kids won't notice. ;o)

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