Monday, March 21, 2011

I get to see my little sister!!

After some traumatic events last week, my OB gave me the OK to travel 4 hours to see my sister!

I am beyond thrilled...words cannot express how happy I am to be able to see her. I want to hug her and never let her go!

So, I probably won't be blogging much. I'll have my computer with me, but I want to be able to spend as much time with my sister as possible. I'm leaving tomorrow morning (Tues.) and coming back Friday night.

Ahhhh! I CAN'T wait! I need to go start packing!

Much love to all <3


  1. Have fun with your sister. I know she really needs you right now. It might do you some good too, getting out and about.

    Have a safe trip and enjoy the time you have with your sis!

  2. Moo, we're all worried about you. No one has heard from you in over a week. Please let us know you're OK. If you need an Internet vacation we'll get it. We promise. We just want to know you're OK.
